Tomorrow I am leaving my boyfriend for 1 and half week. It will be hard I think but I am also looking forward to a little break at my parents place. I haven't seen them since Christmas and it will so nice to just be there for a while. I've missed them lots lately. It's always such a joy to leave the city and be surrounded by nature, all the kitties, dogs, my wonderful Mom and dad and baby brother. He just got his driving license, I am so proud of him. He turned 18 last summer and he's turning out to be such a great person in so many ways. While the age different is big I still feel we get along so well and got the same sense of humour, which is really important. I will pretty much goof around, have a lots of walks with my Mom and who know, maybe my brother will teach me some driving!;)

It's been some busy weeks, lots of projects I needed to get done, most of which I can't tell much about yet. I look forward getting some fresh air and break the daily routine for a bit.

I will also visit my sister and little niece, which should be fun too.

Have fun and thanks for the support always

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