MODEWALK a new luxury e-commerce site - Modewalk is opening up its virtual doors with a carefully selected roster of Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture designers, including Alexis Mabille, On Aura Tout Vu, Alexandre Vauthier, and Christophe Josse, as well as ready-to-wear and accessory items by French designers (Paris is their “launch” city) you might not be familiar with. But they haven’t reduced buying an $80,000 coat to the mere click of a button: “ModeWalk unveils the beautiful creative process and creates an emotional connection between the brands and our users,” they said, offering the “crème de la crème of the Paris shopping experience.”

“Drawing on a rich history of craftsmanship traditions, haute couture epitomizes the peak of fashion as an art form,” the group behind the site, Henri Deshays, Beatrice Pang, and Indre Rockefeller, told Style.com via e-mail. “We would like to use the Internet to enable modern clients from around the world to rediscover the genuine workmanship of this magical universe.”

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